Weather the Storm

      Today's morning update unfortunately was not good news.   His creatinine levels took an unexpected turn in the wrong direction and are headed up again.  We met again with nephrology and they are considering putting him on dialysis.   It won't do anything to fix the problem, but will give his kidney's a little bit of a break while they figure out what to do.   After they consulted with the ICU team, they decided not to do it today, so I guess we'll find out tomorrow.  We did bring up our concern to them that the major thing prior to finding about his kidney's, is that we've been worried about is his right eye not moving and the information from the neuro-opthamologist.  Kidney's are now up high on the priority list.  We told them that in order for them to proceed they need to be able to do imaging and treatment with dye and that we don't want to fix his kidney's only to beat them up again.  So requested that they consult with that doctor and their team to see what the overall big picture is.  
     Specialists are great for being experts in what they do, but the frustrating thing is that they tend to look at you through a spyglass while standing right next to you.   Focused on a very particular part of the body and not seeing the whole picture.  It seem's that Chris's problem keeps getting more and more complex and involving more specialties.  Hopefully we can get a team of them working together to possibly fix the whole problem.   

      Today was a hard blow.   I thought perhaps there was a possibility of going home today, but that seem's like a day in the distant future.  He's still in a lot of pain that very little seems to help.   It also for other reason's was a particularly tough day in the ICU.  We're trying to put our head down and weather this most recent storm.   My mom had a poem I remember memorizing as a kid that perfectly fits this situation.   

 Whether the weather be cold
or whether the weather be hot,
We'll weather the weather,
whatever the weather
Whether we like it or not!

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