When Dr Sobrov who has been off for the past few days came in he asked is how it the biopsy had gone and was also frustrated that it hadn't happened. He's planning his treatment off the results, so the delay means more agonizing wait time to know what the next step will be. The doctor filling in for Dr Sobrov didn't seem to care about our frustrations with it being delayed again, so it was a huge relief for both of us to see Dr Sobrov in the doorway.
What was supposed to be a 20 minute procedure took 2 hours. Chris's bones are so tough that it was difficult for them to drill through, the tech doing the drilling said it was the strongest shin he's ever drilled into. Chris said they broke two drill bits trying to get through the bone. Trying to avoid any more anesthesia this year if possible, he did the procedure awake with only local numbing and some IV pain meds. They wanted to get 10 cc's of bone marrow but even with trying to scrape around (ouch!), they were only able to get 4 cc's. Hopefully that will be enough to get the results that they need, doing another one anytime in the near future is not in his wish list. He said it was the most painful thing he has ever done in his life.
Even despite the amount of pain he is in, he still is so kind and patient with the nurses. When I got back from working a partial day at work, he made sure to put a smile on his face. When the nurses and aids were helping him get into bed from the couch. He would sincerely tell them "thank-you". The look on his face when they perfectly positioned his pillow was priceless!

Like I tell my grand kid's so the won't be imbareet? Always remember that I LOVE You then i can just ask You if You remember? So remember I love both of You and pray for You each day!!!!