Everything in Balance

     Still here, in our room with a view, trying to get everything balanced back out.   The human body and all that it does is simply a miracle, what a crazy balancing act.   In addition to the creatinine to measure his kidney function, they have also been watching his potassium and sodium.   This morning's labs showed that they were both headed in the wrong direction.   To help his potassium they gave him insulin, and to counteract what that would do with his sugar they put him on a sugar IV.  It's a delicate balance involving lots of blood tests and even more medications.   Any kid would probably think that a sugar IV or shot sounds like a dream, but the sugar shot was pretty painful. 

    This morning we also had the blessing of having some service missionary couple come and provide the sacrament.
     Sitting in a hospital after a month full of intense pain really brings it into perspective the symbolism of the broken bread and the understanding that there is one who knows exactly what Chris has been going through.  While the water is meant to symbolize the blood that was shed, tears running down my cheek during that tender moment reminded me that many tears were likely also shed as well.
      So much has been done to focus on fixing Chris's broken body, that the intimate and personal sacrament provided just for us was a quiet small moment to step away from the stress and pain of a broken body and rejuvenate our souls.

"While of this broken bread Humbly we eat,
Our thoughts to thee are led In rev’rence sweet.
Bruised, broken, torn for us On Calvary’s hill—
Thy suff’ring borne for us Lives with us still."

Jesus of Nazareth, Savior and King Verse 2

     In addition to the trials, we have been blessed with many family and friends there to help balance things out and lighten our load.   Thank-you to everyone for your prayers and fasting on our behalf and for the many offers of assistance.

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