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      Last night when I got back from work, Chris was on dialysis.  A little while after finishing dialysis they started the final part of the CyBorD regimine, Cyclophosphamide.   It was given as an IV drip over an hour.  Seeing the precautions that the nurses had to take just to inject the medication was a bit terrifying. There's now another special large garbage can in our room clearly marked with a sticker similar to the right.  As well as a sign on the door reminding them to take the necessary extra precautions. 

     This morning in order to have it done in time for the bone marrow biopsy, they did dialysis most of the morning.   This one for four hours and removing about 3 liters of fluid.  The two rounds of dialysis almost back to back left him tired so he slept through a good portion of both of them.  One of the doctors yesterday said that there is typically about a 50% chance of restoring kidney function.   Not the best odds, but not the worst either I supposed. 

       His bone marrow biopsy that we've been waiting for, fell through yet again.   It was something they had planned to do Friday but weren't able to make happen and then because of the weekend the team that would do it wasn't available until today.   We thought that things for sure would happen because it was an official time on the schedule not just an "add on".   When things were running a bit behind we asked for an update and they said that someone from transport would be up to pick him up in about 20 minutes.   However apparently there was an error in entering the procedure and the people who could do it were already in another procedure or already gone for the day.  Our nurse today had worked so hard to get everything lined up so that he would be ready.  So frustrating!  They promised they will get him in in the morning tomorrow, but it's very likely even if they do, the results won't come back until next week sometime. 

      One thing that has been really nice about being here is the food.   From 7 AM to 9 PM we can call and place a food order at any time.  The funky taste in the food is doing better and he's had some pretty good meals the past couple days.  I've always thought I would be living the life when we could order room service, I always imagined it in a hotel not a hospital.   However, being able to order food for myself and eat with him is a very nice luxury. 


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