
     This morning it sounded like Chris would likely be going home today.   Our previous release day's from hospitals have never gone all that smoothly, so we didn't get our hopes up.  We asked multiple times to talk to the case manager to find out more information about when it might happen, but they would never come in to visit us.  His primary team (BMT) said that they didn't have any concerns with releasing him, the hang up was the hematology team trying to get dialysis figured out. 
       In the afternoon someone came in and told us that there was no one in the valley who could do dialysis outpatient for someone with a trach and that he would need to be transferred to a long term care facility.   It was heartbreaking and frustrating that it was the first that had ever come up.   We were sure that there must be another way.   Dialysis will likely be 3-4 days a week for 4 hours at a day, that spending the rest of the week in a care facility seemed unnecessary.   We asked to talk to the kidney team to see why this was only now being discovered.
      Since it was obvious he wouldn't be leaving tonight, I went to work for the evening.   Chris was able to push for answers and find out that we were given wrong information and that there is a place in Sandy that will be able to do his dialysis.  They just want to make sure that Chris feels like that will work, and so I have to go tomorrow to check it out and give the OK.  I can't even imagine how that got mixed up, but it was a cruel miscommunication.
      So here we are still "living at the hospital" as good friend so adequately put it.  Hoping that tomorrow he may be released and be back at home.   The weekends at a hospital are always a little bit slower, so we won't hold our breath.
      Roxann showed up for a visit shortly after I left, and Chris had a nice evening.   His nurse from last night is here again tonight and the pain meds are helping with his leg so hopefully he'll be able to sleep.

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