
      Tonight we are at the crossroads of two unknown paths.  Both look tough and rugged with not much view of the view or the path beyond. The choice of which path is not ours to make, it's primarily up to one thing... his kidney's. 
     If his kidney's don't start functioning better by tomorrow, we will journey down a particularly life changing path.   Today his kidney levels rose again, his kidney function is not improving.    They are on the fence about choosing to put him on dialysis.  Dialysis will not fix the kidney failure, it will only replace the function of the kidney's and give them time to find the root of the problem.  If this is the path it could start as soon as Friday.  Depending on if they can find the reason, our hope is that it would just be temporary for a few months.
      The other path, which is the slightly smoother path is that his levels improve.   This is the typical path of kidney disease they believe he has, and once it starts to improve, it generally continues to improve, they just haven't seen it do that yet.  Once they believe his kidney's are on the mend, we then will reach another branch in the woods as we determine what to do about the problem with the carotid artery in his brain that is causing his right eye to not move.  The imaging and treatment he needs at this point is too dangerous. 

      The other day after my brother came to visit me, I texted him to say thank.   He replied and let me know that "Prayers and Hope were always headed my way".   It struck me at that moment, and has stuck with me since that he would include the word "Hope" in his message.   With all we've been through, hope is something that is quickly dwindling.  Tonight with the sound of the ventilator humming, I take solace that he' may finally get a good night's rest.   Perhaps it's an omen that better days are on the way. 

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