Tomorrow is a New Day

So, a new blog, but still part of the same crazy adventure.

A short summary of where we currently are.

Chris has been having a hard time breathing for quite some time and we've tried and tried to figure out why.    A few weeks ago we saw an ENT who told him he had Tracheal Stenosis (a narrowing of the airway).  We were trying to get into a specialist that could help, but it couldn't wait any longer.   We came on Monday to the ER at the University of Utah where the specialist (Dr Smith) is at.  Spent several hours in a the ER before getting moved up to the a room.   Waited and waited on Tuesday for surgery which finally happened late in the evening.

Surgery results were that he had severely closed off airway, and they removed some of the blockage to open the airway and sent items for study.

They removed the intubation tube and had him in recovery where he had a very difficult time breathing.  The hurried us down to ICU where he was placed back on a ventilator and has been in ICU ever since.   Because of the blockage, his airway is so narrow that they are using a very small pediatric tube.  They tried to remove the tube on Thursday but was placed back on it about four hours later.  Wanting to establish a stable airway they recommend a trach be placed in his throat below the narrowing.

They are still waiting on the results from pathology.  They have had someone working on it all day yesterday as well as multiple people today trying to figure out what it is.   Once we know, they will be able to have a plan of how to proceed.

The surgery for the trach will be tomorrow morning.  I'll update again after surgery.

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