Later met with a doctor from the Rehab floor. They are looking for a good solution for what to do with Chris until his surgery to replace the trach again. According to ENT they want to keep in in ICU until Friday. They are hoping that the custom ordered trach will hopefully arrive on Friday, with the plan to do surgery on Monday. Rehab is usually only for longer term patients, but there is more assistance available on the PT floor so they are trying to figure out how to work things out with insurance. Guess we'll see what works out. By Friday I think they they think he will be more healed and safer in a regular room.
Today was a good day for me too, seeing him feeling so much better makes my heart so full. As well, I got the supplies and found a shower, then later went to lunch with my parents at Litza's Pizza. I haven't been there I think since we went as a family after the Bountiful temple dedication about 22 years ago. It was a nice refreshing break, but also nice to get back to Chris. I'm so very grateful for all of the awesome people who are taking care of everything in my absence and those who are helping watch over me.
Chris met with a lady from speech therapy while I was gone. They wanted to see if he could try speaking with the correct valve. ENT had said this morning that they wanted to try, but that they didn't think it would work, they were right. His current trach which I believe they said is silicone is a tight fit and doesn't have enough room to provide the air flow needed for your vocal cords to work. The custom trach hopefully will be more secure and have more room for speaking.
Our final therapy session for the day was with Occupational Therapy. They came and asked lots of questions and can help us with the resources needed to make sure that he will be safe at home. She helped him get up and brush his teeth at the sink.
He's still in good spirits and tonight we had a "dinner date". Sitting side by side it's amazing to think of everything we have been through in the past week.
Also the Respiratory Therapist tonight is another angel who was sent into our life at the right moment. Carol was the RT on duty last Saturday night. His very small tube had become so clogged that it was difficult to suction and get an airway. She was very experienced and hunted down the needed small catheter to be able to do it manually. Chris was very nervous and she did amazing at helping him to not be panicked by the situation.
Our hearts go out to you & Chris. Love seeing all the great progress he is making.
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