1 Day, 3 Rooms, 6 Nurses

  Got tucked in last night for a good night's sleep, only to be awakened at 2:00 AM.   Because of an incoming trauma and a full Surgical ICU they needed his room.   So we packed up everything and took an elevator ride to the 4th floor.  Our room in the SICU was one of the biggest, and the room they put us in was tiny and probably about half the size.  Although small, our new room did have a much better view.  So nice the outside world!

     During morning rounds the ENT's came and said the plan was still to move him to a regular room today.    They said that the customized trach had not arrived yet and we were worried that that might delay the plan for next week, but a couple hours later a special delivery was made to our room, they are here!  During the evenings rounds it was just one ENT today and she came just to make sure we got settled in and that the custom trach's did not get lost in transit from one room to another.   That too was one of my worries, so I made sure to carry them myself.  We asked if they had decided upon bedside or OR, and no decision had been made.   We asked if they planned to keep us here until the next procedure and they said no! With no complications, after likely a few days to heal, we will be released to go home.   He'll have to take things easy and heal and it will take a while to transition back to our new normal, but Hopefully next weekend we'll be back home, and that will be true freedom!

      Chris's Mom had a doctor's appointment up here at the UofU and stopped in to visit.   While she visited they came in and told us the great news, that we were finally moving him to a regular room. The move ended up cutting her visit a little short, but she's coming tomorrow to visit again.   It took a little while to get all moved and settled back in, and it feels a bit surreal to be back on the same floor that we stayed in the first night.  Almost as if the past 10 days in the ICU didn't happen.   I will forever be grateful for the amazing staff in the ICU as took a great team of them to save his life, but am so glad to have such a difficult time behind us.   Adding to the surrealism, we were welcomed back by a friendly face.  Our CNA for the afternoon was Kayla who helped us before almost two weeks ago, when we were waiting for the initial procedure.  She remembered us and has been taking good care of us.

        Being in a regular room feels like so much freedom. I no longer have to be buzzed into the unit and can come and go as I please, they removed all of the heart and breathing monitors (with the exception of the pulse oxygen monitor and humidified oxygen).  With less wires, and a little help from me, Chris can move around and stand up when he wants to stretch.

       John stopped by again on his way home from work and brought dinner and stayed for company.   When the night nurse shift change happened, they asked what our goals were for the day and we said that we were told to just relax and take it easy until the new trachs are placed.   Having goals and knowing what the plan for each day has been helpful, but after two very long weeks, just taking it easy sounds like the perfect goal.

     Time to curl up on the couch, watch the sunset and hopefully do what we planned to do last night, a good nights rest!


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