Less is Blessed

     Who knew how much of a blessing a 2nd surgery would be.   The surgery yesterday helped provide something that Chris has needed for quite some time, a stable airway.

     Instead of being woken up at 6:30 as has been the case most of the week last week, an extra hour of sleep and I woke up at 7:30 when the nurses swapped out.  Chris didn't get as much since they have to suction the tube almost every half hour, but as his body adapts that should improve.   It will still be a part of trach life, but we can handle it.

     There's also so many less tubes and wires.   This morning the trach  is still hooked up to the ventilator and he's still on a feeding tube, but the nurse last night removed one of the IV ports so now he only has 2.   This port was the one on his left arm, so except for the oxygen monitor his left arm is now free!   His IV pole is currently only being used for his feeding tube.   The sedation medication, pain medication, and fluid IV have all been retired for now.

     Today for the first time since surgery on Tuesday that his airway is stable enough that physical therapy will hopefully be able to help him sit up and out of bed.  Not sure if it will be walking, but anything should feel amazing.

       Yesterday after the surgery they were able to remove the restraints from his arms as well.   They were there to protect him from human nature, when you can't breath your body's natural reaction is to remedy the situation and his case that could have been deadly.   Chris is an ideal patient, and responds very well to the nurses requests.  He communicates very well and for the nurses that are a bit more practiced in it, having freedom of his hands he's pretty good at charades.  He's mouthing words pretty well too, "I Love You" even without a voice melts my heart.  Without even seeing the paper, he's able to write.   Numerous nurses have commented on how impressed they are at this skill.

     Another measure of freedom, the doors to his ICU room are closed.  There was something wrong with the AC in his room and for much of the time here it's either been hot and stuffy or super cold.  Last night it was good steady temperature.  At one point I had asked Ian if we could shut the doors, and he said that he didn't want them closed because he wanted to be able to hear Chris.  It helps silence out a bit of the hospital noise, and makes things seem a bit more peaceful.

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