Home... Sweet... Home!

   The title says it all, today after hours and hours of waiting for everything to be situated the planets finally aligned and we were able to leave the hospital.

     While driving home today in quiet car, I realized how much our lives have changed.   Chris should eventually be able to speak more, but for now it's exhausting.  One of our favorite things was for him to pick me up from work and catch up on each other's day talking.   Even when we used to have a long commute it was never long enough.  You would think after almost 17 years of marriage we would have run out of things to talk about but not so.  Today aside from the radio, it was quiet   We just held hands because reading lips or playing charades doesn't work when you are driving.  Yet he still found a way to let me know he loved and appreciated me simply by holding hands.

     Growing up my mom had this embroidery hanging on the wall near the washer and dryer and although I couldn't remember the words exactly, I felt that the fact that it kept popping into my head was a gentle reminder of my priorities for the next few days.  We are both exhausted and could probably sleep until next week!  

    Here's the words that evolved in my head as we drew closer to home...

 Unpacking and showering, can wait til tomorrow....
for time together is priceless, live life with no sorrow...
so quiet down mail pile, to do lists and groceries can wait...
tonight I'm snuggling with my sweetheart, who cares when we wake!

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