Week 9: Shirts, Singing, and Smiles

I am going to try and paint a picture and see if you can feel some of the emotion that I have felt in the past few days.

On a Friday, I was riding home from dialysis with a really good friend of mine (Love you Logan!), and we were having a conversation about something most likely about traffic. The thing about dialysis, is it is really draining on me. And this particular day, was a little rougher than normal.  Poor Logan only sees me after my treatments, and subsequently, at my worst moments outside of chemotherapy days. I remember it was about 4PM, hence the traffic complaints, and I received a text. This particular text chain has my Mom, oldest Sister, Tammy, oldest Brother, Andrew (Fred), and my beautiful bride Michelle. And this is what I receive: 

It is a picture of my brother, Andrew, my Mom and my Sister Alex, whom I haven't seen in a few years. I thought, oh that is nice, but then I caught the shirts. I had to zoom in to read them and that's when I started tearing up. Now, this was mid conversation with Logan, and I went quiet. It took me a few minutes, but I explained to him what just happened. His first thoughts were, I need one of those shirts! Team Chris! Haha! 

The next couple days was a flurry of text messages as my brother visited all my family and my older Sister had her little family send me texts of each and every one of them wearing the shirts declaring which team they chose. Image after image coming in still makes me misty, as some of them I have never met. I hope that changes in the near future. 

Another emotionally filled night was a couple ago, when Michelle mentioned that a friend of hers from work was coming over with her family. I was all about it. I like getting visitors, so we were waiting and chatting when the motion detector goes off on my doorbell. Yeah, it's a thing. I see everyone who walks by. So I open the app to make sure it is her friend, when lo and behold we see a large group of people assembling. I looked at Michelle, and was quizzically looking at her saying, are you expecting anyone else? She had the same look, so I clicked the sound button on the app, and we heard them singing! Oh my goodness! Carolers! Since it had been forever since I could remember what to do about carolers, I looked back at Michelle and said,"we probably should go open the door!"

Here is the video of the first couple songs, so cool!

I hope it loads okay, but man that was fun! After singing, they started bringing loads of presents and even stockings. I was speechless, and getting tired, so I had to go in as they were loading Michelle up, but wow, so much fun. 

Health wise, I am looking for the Christmas miracle, as I have no intention of letting this beat me. Last Monday I finally met with my kidney doctor at dialysis, and as my creatinine keeps coming down, I asked her what level it needed to be to get off dialysis, and she replied with "in the 2's". I was currently sitting at 3.13, and knew I could rock the 2's but not sure how soon. Fast forward to Wednesday, and I go in for chemotherapy. They do blood tests each time and for some reason I was really nervous. But we get the results, and my creatinine was 2.18. Not only did I hit the 2's, I freakin' CRUSHED the 2's. 

So to explain creatinine levels, a normal person with normal functioning kidneys has creatinine levels between 0.7 and 1.25. When they tested mine back in the hospital in October, they reached as high as 11.29. Well over Stage 5 Kidney failure, though they still functioned and stuff. I truly was a medical mystery. Anyways. Getting to 2.18 this fast and hitting my goal, truly is a Christmas Miracle, and I am so thankful for the prayers and hugs from everyone. It was a lot of work, and I am know that I have a ways to go, but if I can get rid of dialysis, what a milestone!  

Anyways, as I sit here, waiting for my brother Andrew to show up from Montana, and watch some football this wintery Sunday, just know how appreciative I am of all the visits, hugs, handshakes, fistbumps, shoulders and arms to lean on, phone calls, text messages, Words with Friends Games, Christmas presents, likes, loves, Wows, lols, and cheers that you have given me. 

Oh and for those wondering, I am going to try and get to Star Wars on Monday.  If you spoil it for me, I will find the strength to come visit and hit you with my lightsaber. Yes, I have one. Don't do it. 

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