New Year's Resolutions

New Years is coming up and one thing I thought was how horrible 2017 was. I had pneumonia. I got tracheal stenosis, and needed a trach put in.  Days like today with 90% humidity, makes life miserable! Went through Stage 5 kidney failure. And finally diagnosed with a rare blood plasma cancer, called Multiple Myeloma. Pretty bad right?

But 2017 was also an amazing year. I got to spend a LOT of time with my beautiful bride. Sure, it wasn't all sunshine and rainbows, but I am sure I held her hand more this year than any year previous, and that is awesome! I forged new friendships that I will cherish the rest of my life. I reconnected with long lost friends and have a greater appreciation for those friends that are there for me, no matter the time or the day. I feel I have a great bond with family members that maybe, if it weren't for 2017, I would have taken for granted.

In 2017, I learned how tough I can be. Facing the real possibility of not being able to speak, not only did my ability to write clearly and without seeing what I am writing on prove valuable, I was able to communicate my needs, but then fought hard and taught myself how to speak with a trach.  Because of a doctor's comment that I had a hard time coming out of a surgery from the sleepy juice, I opted out of being put to sleep in, not one, but five procedures using a mild sedative, including having a drill bit break on my shin (twice!) and having then puncture my sternum for bone juice. And then, not being able to use pain meds, but Tylenol.

Also, in 2017, I witnessed miracles. Many miracles. I cannot talk about all of them, as I will cherish them forever, but one of the biggest has to be the Christmas Kidney Miracle. My goal in October was and has always been to be done with dialysis before Christmas, even with doctors, nurses and technicians all rolling their eyes at me. The Friday before Christmas, I went in for dialysis and they told me that because my numbers were so good, that I was going from a 4 hour session to 3 and that they are dropping me down to one a week. Sweet! Then as I was leaving, they said that depending on my numbers for the next week, they may turn me away and pat me on the back and say congratulations. Oh I hope that happens!

Anyways, my point is, that even though we go through a lot of bad, look for the good in all things. It makes dealing with the bad a heckuva lot easier! Sure, I have my bad days. I am not too proud to admit I might have cried more this year than many years in the past, but not all of those tears were of pain and agony. Many were of joy and humility. I do not think I will be able to thank all of you who have helped us. I wish I could.  But I do know what my New Year's Resolution is this coming year.  Though I know I have a storm ahead of me this year, I plan on being excited for the eye of the storm, to enjoy the peace and sunshine when it is there.

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