Week Five: Challenge Accepted!

So, my beautiful bride wrote a blog post that was probably hard to read for some of you. The prognosis for my cancer at 3-5 year average, was, admittedly, very hard to swallow. But there are a lot of circumstances that can extend that, and obviously, shorten it as well. However, if you know me at all, that is just another challenge I get to fight and conquer.


People keep saying that 43 years old is young. In the grand scheme of things, I absolutely agree! However, don't think for one moment that I haven't lived a great life! 

First and foremost. I met and married Michelle. There are not enough words to describe the type of awe that Michelle brings to me on a daily basis. Besides being straight up beautiful, she has a smile that can melt ice bergs. She is always thinking of others. I cannot tell you how many of our conversations start with, "So, (insert person's name), what should we do for them?".  Always wanting to make sure your comfort level is better than her own. Working too hard and loving it! She loves her job! Even if she has a bad day, and I say something about the industry or whatever, she defends it and finds the good in it.  Oh, and her chocolate chip cookie.. well, there is none that can beat it. None. Trust me, I know.

I have had some really great experiences in my life as well! Did you know I got to spend a night in the Penthouse suite in the Bellagio with my bride? It was awesome. Or go to a Kansas City Chiefs Playoff game where I got to hear how loud Arrowhead really can get? 140 decibels is no joke! It's loud! You can yell at the person next to you and they cannot hear a word! I have got to hear some of the greatest live music, heard cannons fire in the canyons of the Wasatch. Been in a hurricane. Survived a tornado outbreak. Seen some wicked lightning storms. Watched some great movies (and some bad ones!). Read some amazing stories in books, on screens, and listened to them told to me by some of my very best of friends. I have been a story teller and man, do I LOVE telling stories!

My point in all of this is that while it sucks to be in the rare of the rare disease category, it is not going to stop what God has in store for me. Does that make sense? I truly believe nothing is being cut short. There are very hard days that have been experienced, and I guarantee that I have a pretty rough road ahead of me, but it's okay! I truly believe I have been prepared for this. I have to believe that. It is where I get my courage to continue. Think about this. You are here on this beautiful marble we call Earth to experience life. Why would you be sent here to fail?

So, as Michelle and I fight this fight and hear a lot of scary vocabulary, we are more than willing to share with you it all. It is very therapeutic for me, and I am thinking it is for her as well. If for any reason you do not want to follow along, I am totally fine with that.

However, when you see me. And think about all that is happening and going on with me and the time that I have left. Please do not be sad. Come on over, give me a hug. Or ask how I am doing (just know it is not always going to be a positive answer.. ), or come up and put your hand up for a high five and say, "Hey! Great to see you!"

Because I promise you this, it will be so fantastic to see YOU!

1 comment:

  1. Grateful you have such a positive attitude!!! Your both in our prayers
