The Playlist

     Last week on Monday, as Chris was emerging from the darkness of the horrible week before we had te opportunity the have music therapy come.   A sweet young woman came with her guitar and offered to play songs for us.    The therapy was good for both of us, and tears streamed down my cheeks the entire time.   

    The three songs Chris picked were:

Over the Rainbow-Israel Kamakawiwoʻole

Amazed -Lonestar 

Livin’ on a Prayer-Bon Jovi

    His song selections were thoughtful.   The first had me grieving for the simpler times of the past, and longing to "Wake up where the clouds are far behind me" and have "trouble melts like lemon drops".   

    The second song was a special request to celebrate a belated anniversary.    It's been one of our songs since before we were married.   How so very much "I wanna spend the rest of my life, with you by my side".   

      The final song could have been our theme song for the past month.   Livin on a Prayer.   We couldn't have made it this far without countless prayers being said by us and on our behalf.  

    After two long weeks, he was moved back to a regular room on Sunday.    This week he's making progress.   Healing takes time and he's got a lot to recover from. Medically he is stable, but he needs more therapy to recover his strength.    In the next few days he will likely be moving to an inpatient rehab hospital where he can receive more therapy.  

      Today music therapy came again.   I teared up a little, but didn't cry as much this time.   The past week seeing Chris improve has been good for my heart.  The three songs he chose were:

Roar - Katy Perry

Take Me Home - John Demver

Amazing Grace

     She slightly tweaked the words of the first song to fit perfectly his fight against cancer as the Iron Lion.  The second song, very fitting of course.   We both can't wait to get home, to the place where we belong.  

    These lyrics from Amazing Grace were perfectly fitting of the past 5 weeks.   

"Through many dangers, toils, and snares
I have already come
This grace that brought me safe thus far
And grace will lead me home"

    Hopefully one day soon, we will be back home...


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