Resilience & Redemption

     After almost two weeks at Encompass rehab hospital,  we returned to Huntsman on Thursday for more chemo   But before I get into what happened this week, I must back up a bit.   Before we left Huntsman he had stabilized medically but being stuck in ICU had weakened his body.   PT and OT we knew were critical in his goal to get home.   A few days before we left, one of our favorite PT's  (Michael) was back after being off for a few days.   He has been amazing to work with and always made Chris feel safe.   He was gaining strength and we were so happy that Chris was doing great at moving from the bed to a recliner on his own two feet, but then things went south.  He was inches away from being where he needed when his legs gave out.   Despite our best effort to prevent it, Chris slid to the floor.    It was heart breaking for all of us, Michael included.   Gravity is the nemesis that brought us here, and falling again was so disheartening.    

      The next morning I ran into Michael in the hall.   He said he had been up all night thinking about what had happened and how to best help Chris.   He had never had a patient end up on the floor before.   I assured him that Chris was doing OK and still was looking forward to working with him that day.   That afternoon Chris was able to stand three times and it helped rebuilt his confidence, but didn't have the confidence to walk.   Michael was going to be on vacation for a while, so we weren't sure if we would see him again.    We thanked him for all that he did to help Chris and for being his champion.   Michael had some amazing parting words to share.   He said how much he admired Chris for his resilience.   
      Michael worked with him in the ICU and knew had seen Chris in the worse of times.   He was amazed at how Chris was always willing to give his best effort even on the worst days.   It's not a trait he see's very often here at Huntsman, and he admired Chris because of it.   He said he would always jump at the chance to work with him.   

      Back to this week, he made good progress while at Encompass.   There were some amazing PT's, OT's, Dr's and nurses there as well.  We both liked a schedule that was a bit more structured.    He did a lot of different exercises and strengthened different muscles.   The last day was a bit discouraging as we hoped he would be walking that day, but unfortunately things just didn't work out for that to happen.   We however were super grateful to get the extra week of extra therapy and that his myeloma cooperated in allowing us to do so.  As well, his kidney's were also doing well that they skipped dialysis on Wednesday.   

     We arrived back to Huntsman on Thursday afternoon to start cycle two.   I don't think I mentioned what they did last time, it was called modified CVAD + Carlfizomib. (Cyclophosphamide, Adriamycin/Doxorubicin, and Dex + Carlfizomib).   I couldn't help but reflect just how far we had come in the past four weeks and the miracle and gratitude that he is still here.    It really is that, a miracle.  It also was the day after his 5 year cancer diagnosis.  We didn't know if we would make it this far, and we are optimistic that we can continue this progress.   I'm trying very hard to just enjoy the present and not worry about the future.   It was a day filled with a a lot of emotions, but among them was a profound sense of gratitude.   

      We weren't in the room for very long when Jane from OT stopped by.   We last saw her in the ICU before she left for a few weeks for her wedding.  She was so excited to see us, and us her.   I also ran into Pastor John, who recognized me and asked how Chris was doing.   As well, Michael claimed the chance to work with Chris as soon as he saw he was coming back.   He stopped in on Friday morning.   It did wonders for all three of us when Chris felt the confidence to walk again!   For him to be able to take those first steps again with Michael was so redeeming!     Dr Sborov also stopped in and was glad to see Chris doing well, although he said that Chris really needs to quit putting him in a position where he has to save his life.  We agree!     

     The chemo and supportive meds have been a constant for the past four days, but it's also been wonderful to see him continue to progress as the weekend went on.  The kidney doctors are happy with how things are going and he hasn't needed dialysis.  In fact, they are scheduling his dialysis port to be removed tomorrow!   I was hopeful that he would be done with dialysis before Thanksgiving, but before Halloween had never crossed my mind as a possibility, that's amazing!  Coming from a time when he had so many lines it was hard to count, we are finally at the point where he is down to just one!   



1 comment:

  1. So glad to see you progress and home now!! Warrior Chris!!
