The System Is Broken..

I had a phone call today from one of my doctor's, office. They were calling to tell me that my doctor, wanted me to see a different specialist than the one I was currently seeing. And after a long conversation, longer than the office worker wanted, I am sure, I said no, I will be sticking with my current doctor, and if they need a more in depth explanation than they can call me themselves. And their reply was I am sure they will. And the conversation was over... admittedly, one that lasted 11 minutes and 38 seconds, I knew the actual doctor one is going to be many more minutes than that.

But here is the kicker, at least one part that is really bothering me, anyways. One of the reasons they wanted me to move to a different specialist, was because the current one I am seeing wasn't in there system. For example, say.. my doctor is with Springfield Hospital, and the current specialist is with Shelbyville Hospital, they wanted me to move specialists to Springfield because that was their system. So I was going to have to give up a very good doctor, whom I have built a rapport with and been through a lot with, to start over, with another specialist just because it was convenient for them. Well, their system anyways.

See, even the great Homer Simpson knows that there is the Internet on computers now.  And that the whole foundation of it is to send information across SYSTEMS with relatively ease and speed! Now I am sure there are those of you that have a problem with sending "confidential" information over the internet. Honestly, if I was worried about that, I wouldn't have changed my Facebook posts to public, and nor my Blog posts. You see, what I edit, happens before it is even written.

And sadly, it is not just hospitals. Do a search in your prefferred search engine, and you will see how many systems are broken, at least in the opinion of the reader ,or the writer.. or even the artist.  You can hear it and read it daily about how the "Springfield police department" and that "Shelbyville police department" didn't help someone because it wasn't in their district or they were off duty. Okay, maybe not daily, but man, by all the posts on Facebook, you would think there is! Again, edit before they write, amirite? (or is it "Am I Right"?)

You could almost wonder if I am all about openness, why am I not saying names of doctors and assistants and hospitals (or police departments), well, because I do not want YOU the reader, to think I am getting a less than stellar treatment plan with my current doctors and assistants and hospitals, and there are even some others who think my opinion matters much to the point it might make you second guess going to a doctor with that assistant or that hospital. You see, I am protecting you, not the other way around. You are welcome.

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