Happy Birthday

      Our day started out with a trip to Huntsman.   We've been there so much lately that the people at drop off recognize us and know where Chris needs to go.  With his low calcium, he hasn't had the strength to walk in, and they are quick to grab a wheelchair and whisk him away while I park the car.    Today, for the first time in over a month Chris surprised me and said he could walk in.   I stopped at the Huntsman entrance and helped him get inside.   Having him using his cane again and making the walk on his own was a great way to start the day. 

        At our last appointment on Wednesday his blood counts were extremely low, enough for not just a normal flag, but a double low.   They gave him a nupogen shot to boost his white blood cells in hopes of avoiding an infection.   They also had him stop his daily chemo pill.   Having an unexpected break from that likely greatly contributed to Chris feeling well enough to walk in and it was nice that for the first time in a long time he's felt good happened to land on his Birthday. 

      Normally while in the waiting room, everyone keeps to themselves.   Today a man, slightly younger than Chris commented on his Chief's hat and then asked about his trach.   As we talked, we found out that he too has myeloma.   He is further along in his journey and has already gone through a transplant.   He's doing fairly well and it was fun to meet a fellow warrior. 

      They brought Chris back and his nurses had decorated his chair with streamers and decorated his IV pole with a Happy Birthday crown.    They spoiled him with lots of apple juice and Jason (his nurse most times when we go) brought him a six pack of Pepsi.   The staff at both infusion centers have become like family, so I guess it's only fitting that he celebrated his birthday with them.

       Good news when the labs came back.  His calcium is on the mend.   It's still low, but it appears the drug is done causing havoc.   They had said if things didn't improve by the end of the month they would have to look into other options for the low calcium.   That was a path we didn't want to go down since the most likely problem could be his brain tumor.  So, it's a huge blessing that things have seemed to normalize.   The levels were still low, but high enough that he didn't need a calcium infusion today and so we were free to go.    Unless something changes, we don't have to go back until Wednesday next week.   Hooray!   As well, his white blood counts are up slightly and he didn't have to get a shot.   His other levels have improved enough that he starts back up on his chemo pill.   Mixed blessing on that one, it makes him feel crappy but helps keep him around. 

      The walk in and out wore him out, so we spent the rest of the day doing simple things.   He hasn't had much of an appetite and so food has been a struggle.   When I suggested Hungry Howies, our favorite pizza place, and he was excited I knew that's where we were headed next.    We enjoyed a nice drive to Orem and then headed home.

      Our sweet neighbors brought over a loaf of bread hot out of the oven.   Then we took a nice nap.   Not your typical birthday agenda but a wonderful and needed treat.     Later John came over bringing dinner and we ended the evening with a visit from Reed who is back at BYU after being gone for the summer.

      The month of August didn't go nearly like we expected and we hoped to be able to do more this month to celebrate his birthday.   I was able to find him a nice Hawaiian shirt as a present, but hadn't been able to muster up the brain power to think of much else.   Everyone sending him Happy Birthday wishes throughout the day was a great way to remind him of how loved he is.   He sweetly told me that the most precious gift he could have was spending the time with me.    Fighting was the first thing on our agenda and I am so grateful to be here by his side.   He is amazing, tender, loving, creative, thoughtful, funny, sweet, hard-working, giving, dedicated, courageous and to put it simply...my everything.    Happy Birthday to the love of my life!

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