The Calm

     We met with Dr Sborov last week and he confirmed that he would like us to select door #1, another round of KDCEP.   Even though all signs that we see show that the first cycle was very successful, he wants push a little harder and hope that Chris can tolerate a larger dose.   They had mentioned last month, that if we did a second dose it likely would be harder than the first.   Knowing they also want to increase the amount of chemo is discouraging.   However since it's hard to know where a myeloma cell may be hiding, they want to hit things hard to kill anything they can.  He, like us, is anxiously waiting for the PET scan and would love the valuable information it can provide before moving forward.   The first round did a number on his glucose levels, and we've been learning the world of insulin trying to get it down.  Chris hates doing shots, especially multiple times a day, but is taking it in stride.   We finally are seeing progress and are optimistic that we'll finally be able to get the PET scan later this week.  

     So for now, it's just the calm before the storm.    While the storm clouds and lightening may roar and thunder in the distance, for now we're grateful that the wind has been taken out of our sails.  The water is calm and we have a few days to just coast along.   Today after I finished work, we went for a drive and enjoyed a beautiful spring evening.    Warm weather and sunshine, it was wonderful.

    While I have a tendency to want to look ahead and plan, this week this is my focus:   

    Live in the moment and embrace the ordinary so that this week can be extraordinary.  Take time to make some happy memories, laugh and enjoy the calm.   

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