Year of the Iron Lion

It has been a while since I have posted. Michelle has done great at keeping up with the technicalities of this battle. But I wanted to keep things positive, so I wasn't sure what to post about. Yes, I could post about how the Multiple Myeloma has been held at bay, which is great, but I was starting to feel like I was being defined by the cancer.

As the end of 2019 approached, I turned to Michelle one day and said, "2020 is going to be MY YEAR!   I'm feeling better than I have in ages and it's time things started going the right way for once."   We declared together that 2020 would be the year of the Iron Lion.

Why the Year of the Iron Lion? Well, my goal is for you to see past the Multiple Myeloma. See past the pain and crud, and see me again. So how do I do that? Well, I declare this MY year! (Besides, isn't it better than the Year of the Rat?) And to bring my personality, craziness, humor, passions and color to the forefront, instead of only posting about cancer. Now, I will probably still post some about it, because it will be with me forever, but did you know I am a Star Wars fanatic? How about football, did you know I am widely known for my 30+ years of being in love with a small little NFL team know as the Kansas City Chiefs?

We all know my Kansas City Chiefs are in the Super Bowl for the first time since 1970. I still don't think it has sunk it yet completely. Anyone who has seen those last couple games, knows they Chiefs went through some crazy things to get to the Super Bowl. Coming back from being down 24-0 to win by 20, 51-31. Completely unbelievable! Then facing the fiercest running back in the league, many thought we couldn't do it, yet we shut him down and made a mediocre quarterback try and beat us. Didn't happen. Those last 5 minutes of the game sending my Chiefs to the Super Bowl were euphoric. I cannot wait for this Super Bowl. But I am sure my strong will pushed them into the Super Bowl, so yes, I take all credit!

This year, I also want to reconnect with some friends I no longer chat with or we have distanced some from each other for whatever reason. I miss my friends. So I need to find a few stragglers out there who need to be bothered by me!  I hate that I cannot leave with out oxygen, or walk well, but I should still be able to text or call or whatever. If I have said anything to anyone that may have offended you, I promise, it truly was not intentional! And I will do all I can to win ya back!

Which leads to my goal of doing everything I can to get off constant oxygen. I know I can do it. If I can beat dialysis, pneumonia, getting an artificial trache out after 18 months while being told it will be mine forever, etc. then I for sure can exercise these giant lungs of mine to bring in the O2 needed to keep me living without help. So the lungs need to be worked, and those that know, know the torture device they give you to do that. And it is rough, but... I can do it.

Another goal is to get back my artistic skill. Long ago before I declared Utah my home, I was a fine artist. I would paint and draw and do cool things like that. Then I found Photoshop and never looked back. But this year, I am going to get back to drawing and see if that artist is still here. Maybe pick up some oil pastels or some acrylic paint. Or even water colors. Who knows?

I want to get out more. Go eat at my favorite restaurants. Get back into watching movies at the theaters again. You know, have fun! Maybe take in an NFL game in Las Vegas next year. Or go out on a Friday night. Life fighting Multiple Myeloma is a secluded no fun fight, and even though there is some risks, going out and enjoying life again would be so fantastic.

       Yet another thing you might not know is that I also love to collect pins.   I have a fun collection, including pins that I love and represent me and my other hobbies.   As well as pins, that I also love, that others have given me as that represent them and their trips or hobbies .   I would love this year to include all of you in my collection.   If you see a pin (or have a pin) that you would be willing to give me, I'd love to have it!   Pop it in a card and send it my way with a note.   Or even better, stop by for a visit sometime (as long as your aren't sick ;) *wink*) and give it to me in person. 

      Finally, I'm excited to share with you another epic addition to the Iron Lion team.   For Christmas my sweet bride commissioned from one of my favorite online comics, Woody Hearn of GUComics,  his interpretation of the Iron Lion.    He just finished it and it's awesome!   Some people may not understand why the Iron Lion is such a part of me.   The Iron Lion doesn't represent my Myeloma, it represents the fight, my fight.   

This is my fight song

Take back my life song

Prove I'm alright song

My power's turned on

Starting right now I'll be strong

I'll play my fight song

'Cause I've still got a lot of fight left in me

 The year of the Iron Lion is about taking back my life!

1 comment:

  1. Chris. Awesome post. Made me laugh so many times. As your sense of humor won through. Very best wishes for 2020. I agree it takes conscious effort to make sure the myeloma doesn't take over more than it needs to and I wish you luck in fighting that
