Sometimes the stars align and amazing things happen. A few months ago Chris won a logo design from a guy named Curtis. He explained to him a little bit of his story and together collaborated in concept. He was able to create this amazing "Iron Lion". This complete stranger, now friend, spent countless hours creating this design and both of us were very pleased with how it turned out. Watching him sketch it live one night got us both super excited to see the final product. Isn't it awesome?!?! It's a great representation of Chris's tenacity and courage to fight.

While we are very fortunate to have good insurance, our out of pocket expenses are never ending. Just staying on top of making sure Chris always has the daily medications is a never ending battle. Battling with different companies over bills that have been processed incorrectly has been time consuming but easily saved us $1,000's this year. As well, January brings a new year and a new deductible. Chris has chemo scheduled for January 2nd so we'll start of the year with large bill.
There are plans in the works to offer shirts and hoodies, hopefully sometime early next year. If there is a specific thing you would love to have let us know. For now we are excited to start with hats. They are 39Thirty brand hats, Chris favorite kind. They come in 3 sizes. S/M, M/L and L/XL (See size chart below). These hats are typically sell for about $25-60. If you would be interested in helping us out and sporting one of these amazing hats please reach out to us and let us know. They are embroidered and look amazing in person. To cover the cost of the hats as well as some to put towards medical expenses, we are offering them for a minimum suggested donation of $25. The amount you choose to donate for each hat is up to you, so make sure when you message us your order that you indicate the qty and sizes. For example if you want to donate $100 and just want one hat, that would be great. If you want a hat but can only afford $25, that's great. We're happy and appreciative of any help to lessen the financial burden.
Comment on the Facebook post or e-mail us at with any questions or to place an order. We can then work out the logistics such as payment, pick up or shipping (for an additional amount) and sizes and qty's.
Thank-you so much for your continued support!
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