As far as myeloma goes, last week he started his 15th cycle of DRd. At that time they checked his myeloma markers (with various tests...but luckily no bone marrow biopsy) and he is still in SCR (Stringent Complete Response). DRd is doing it's job. We are so grateful that it's working and pray that it will continue to work. The longer this current treatment works, the more advancements are being made in myeloma and the better his chance of surviving the odds.
However the daily grind of continual chemo is challenging. He tries very hard to be optimistic and stay positive but I know that he's continually in pain, always tired, struggling to think through the brain fog and battling a huge mountain side effects. The past few cycles, his one week off from the daily med hasn't been enough to really recover. We've struggled with deciding if we should just deal with it or see if something can be done. It's a hard decision because there is no way to know if a lower dose will allow the myeloma to gain a foothold again. This week when we met with Dr Sborov we talked about some of the struggles. Rather than ask for a lower dose, Chris asked if instead he could take the Revlimid for only two weeks of the four week cycles instead of three. Dr Sborov said OK! Not only that, but we can try the change with this cycle and not wait until next cycle. Instead of a week and a half more, we now have only a few more days!

In November Chris started treatment for anemia, low red blood cells which makes it hard for the body to transport oxygen where it needs and can cause fatigue. The dose of iron that they started with wasn't enough and a few months ago they increased his dose from a shot to 2 hour infusions every two weeks. The iron infusions have brought his numbers up to normal range, but haven't really helped his fatigue. With his numbers now in normal range they are going to stop iron for now and test again in two months and see how things look.

With the myeloma behaving, we have also been trying to figure out what to do with his brain tumor. It's taken a back burner for the past couple years, and while his MRI shows it's about the same size, it's up to no good. The hormone levels that caused us to find it are the highest they've ever been. His endocrinologist wanted us to add several more medications which we wisely did one at a time. Several of the side effects were just too much. Dizziness + Neuropathy and an increase risk of breaking a bone from myeloma is just not a good mix. As well after years of struggling to find a good endocrinologist, the one we found is an ND (Naturopathic Doctor) who will do meds when needed but strives to heal with more natural options instead of pharmaceuticals. She doesn't care for the chemo Chris is taking for the myeloma and the team at Huntsman struggles with how to know how her treatments could impact his cancer treatment. We're stuck in the middle trying to figure out how the balance the two. One of the medications she suggested when we researched into it said do not take if you had cancer, but then further researched showed it might be helpful for myeloma. We asked Dr Sborov's team and all of the really smart people looked into it. But decided that since it was a supplement and not an FDA regulated medication, there really wasn't much evidence to give a good answer, so they said it's up to us.

As well, a few years ago my aunt Shari and I had a tradition of going to breakfast or lunch once a month (or was it a quarter). She moved back from California this time last year and we've finally been able to start this back up.
My birthday was a mix of everything. I worked in the morning and then picked up Chris and we headed to the hospital for pre-chemo labs. He wasn't feeling well, so we changed our plans for the evening and had an enjoyable evening at home. Worried he ruined my birthday, he secretly messaged my friend Rachel and after her long day at Huntsman she picked me up and treated me to custard at Nielsen's.

"Tired, but grateful"
"Cautious, but optimistic"
"Battle-weary, but alive!"